AmCham website

  • API Image
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  • PHP Image

Project description

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) is a non-governmental non-profit organization comprising 146 members from a diverse spectrum of businesses; from large foreign investors to small enterprises, that operate domestically and abroad.

Our Vision
To be the most valued advocacy force in Moldova, and a trusted dialogue partner for Moldovan policymakers, foreign & local investors, and Moldova’s development partners.

Our Mission
To promote the US, foreign, and local investments in Moldova and to work with the Moldovan government and business leaders to foster a more favorable business climate in Moldova

For more details

Project stage


AmCham Moldova

Collaboration since 06-2007
Client Projects


Colaboram pe parcursul a 16 ani, in domeniul elaborarii, dezvoltarii si mentinerii site-urile AmCham. Pe perioada colaborarii s-au prezentat punctuali si responsabili. Sarcinile intotdeauna au fost efectuate sistematic, indeplinind toate cerintele. Au dat dovada de profesionalism si de interes fata de colaborarea noastra de lunga durata.

Elena Buzu Deputy Director on Finance & Administration

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